The Humanitarian Charter ”Smart civilization”

1. The world consists of distinctive cultural and historical communities – civilizations. Each one is unique, possesses its own traditions, values, historical experience and retains its position as a subject of world history. Each civilization holds the right to its own vision of the future and principles of its development. A decent quality of life and mutual cultural enrichment of peoples are possible only through dialogue and equitable cooperation of modern civilizations, with due consideration of the preservation of humanitarian, financial and technological sovereignty.

2. The aspiration of determinate forces to assert unipolar dominance and exclusivity, their attempts to impose unified values along with a perceived “exclusively correct” model of development on all peoples is a threat to humanity. Such self-centered intentions lead to neocolonialism, the destruction of the cultural and historical code and traditional values, the suppression of countries' sovereignty, the conflict of civilizations and the transformation of the planet into a monotonous, choice-less space.

3. In all civilizations, most people are interested in creating an equitable model of world development and building a peaceful, conflict-free future. It is necessary then, on the basis of equality and multilateralism, to jointly develop a philosophical basis for a peaceful multi-civilizational development of humanity.

4. It is necessary to guarantee the right of peoples and every individual to their ethnocultural, spiritual, value-driven identities, and to personal dignity, associated with the above. The differences in the lifestyles of existing civilizations create the beauty and the cultural diversity of the world. The way of life of the people of each civilization reflects this identity and character. The diversity of traditions, accumulating the experience of previous generations, is the heritage of all humanity.

5. Scientific and technological development, including but not limited to biotechnology, space and digital infrastructures, should not lead to the destruction of the surrounding world and human nature, or come into conflict with cultural, ethical and religious traditions. On the contrary, such development should become the basis for the preservation of mankind, its harmonious development and longevity.

6. Countries that can conceptualize their long-term horizons ensure their dynamic development in the emerging multipolar world. Their scientific, cultural, financial-economic, legal, social and educational-pedagogical systems will be built on the basis of long-term thinking, long-term investments and long-term infrastructure projects.

7. The driving force of every civilization is the creative energy and versatile talents of society, which are carried by passionate individuals. They facilitate development for all of mankind. International infrastructure and a system of horizontal humanitarian connections, ensuring opportunities for personal development of individuals, will play an increasingly important role in the future of civilizations.

8. Appreciable work leads to the manifestation of a person’s abilities for creativity and constructive transformation of reality. It is important to preserve the human right to work and to prevent the emergence of “irrelevant people”, deprived of professional and social self-realization. The diversity of forms of work, professions and economic sectors is part of civilizational identity.

9. Smart civilizational development of humanity is a multiplication of diversity, not global unification. Coordination, not domination. Complementarity, not conflict. A balance between technological development, economic growth and the quality of life of peoples, preservation of the natural, social and cultural environments as consistent elements to the integral home space of a human being.

10. The “Smart civilization” international humanitarian initiative, proposed for BRICS, is designed to develop humanitarian infrastructure with the intention to strengthen BRICS cooperation in ten areas: knowledge, education, culture, civil society, media, ecology, youth cooperation, tourism, sports, lifestyle on the intellectual, organizational, information and spatial levels.